SetSigmoidFuncs(NeuronSigmoidFuncsType: Integer);
SetSigmoidFuncs(NeuronSigmoidFuncsType: integer);
NeuronSigmoidFuncsType. Type of the function of signal propagation in the network.
The SetSigmoidFuncs method sets the type of signal propagation in the network.
The range of network output values depends on the type of signal propagation. Available values of the parameter:
0. Default value. Exponential function (sigmoid) is used. Range of output values is shifted: [-0.5; 0.5].
1. Threshold function is used that returns true if the calculated value is less than zero, and false if the calculated value is greater than zero. Therefore, the output values consist of zeros and ones.
2. Function of hyperbolic tangent (similar to sigmoid). Range of output values: [-1.0; 1.0].
3. Exponential function (sigmoid). Range of output values is shifted: [-0.5; 0.5].
4. Exponential function (sigmoid). Range of output values: [0.0; 1.0].
5. Exponential function (bipolar sigmoid). Range of output values: [-1.0; 1.0].
The method use is given in the example for INeuralNetwork.SetSigmoidAlpha.
See also: