
Fore Syntax

DimOpenParams: IMsDimOpenParamValue;

Fore.NET Syntax

DimOpenParams: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms.IMsDimOpenParamValue;


The DimOpenParams property determines the value of the parameter, with which the dimension is opened, by which the selection for calculation of the cycle is set.


To set the selection used to calculate the cycle, use the IMsCalculationChainIterator.Selection property.

Fore Example

Executing the example requires that repository contains:

Add links to the Ms, Metabase, Dimensions, Cubes, Dal system assemblies.

Sub UserProc;
    mb: IMetabase;
    msKey, cubeKey: Integer;
    metaModel: IMsMetaModel;
    stubParamValue: IMsDimOpenStubParamValue;
    dimOpenParamValue: IMsDimOpenParamValue;
    openParams: IMetabaseObjectParamValues;
    dimInstance: IDimInstance;
    iteratorSelection: IDimSelection;
    iterator: IMsCalculationChainIterator;
    param: IMsModelParam;
    dDescr: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
    mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
    // Get metamodel
    msKey := mb.ItemById("MS_PARAM").Key;
    metaModel := mb.ItemByIdNamespace("META_MODEL", msKey).Edit As IMsMetaModel;
    // Clear the calculation chain of the metamodel
    // Clear the values of parameters of dimensions used for calculation of the metamodel
    // Clear parameters of the metamodel
    // Create new parameter referring to the DICT_PARAM dictionary    param := metaModel.Params.Add;
    param.DataType := DbDataType.Integer;
    param.LinkedObject := mb.ItemById("DICT_PARAM");
    param.DefaultValue := Null;
    param.Hidden := True;
    { Create new value of the parameter to change the data source,
    used for calculating the metamodel}

    cubeKey := mb.ItemById("CUBE_PARAM").Key;
    stubParamValue := metaModel.DimOpenStubParamValues.Add(cubeKey);
    stubParamValue.StubValues := mb.Item(cubeKey).Bind.ParamValues;
    // Add the value of the dimension parameter used to calculate the metamodel
    dDescr := mb.ItemById("DICT_PARAM");
    dimOpenParamValue := stubParamValue.Values.add(dDescr.Bind As IDimensionModel);
    // Set the value for the parameters of the DICT_PARAM dictionary
    dimOpenParamValue.Values.FindById("COUNTRY_PARAM").Value := 17724;
    // Set the value for the parameter of the data source
    stubParamValue.StubValues.FindById("COUNTRY").Value := 17724;
    // Get the selection of the dimension considering the value of the parameter
    openParams := dDescr.Bind.ParamValues;
    openParams.FindById("COUNTRY_PARAM").Value := 17724;
    dimInstance := dDescr.Open(openParams) As IDimInstance;
    iteratorSelection := dimInstance.CreateSelection;
    // Create metamodel cycle
    iterator := metaModel.CalculationChain.AddIterator("Cycle 'Dictionary with parameter'");
    // Set selection
    iterator.Selection := iteratorSelection;
    // Set the parameter
    iterator.Parameter := param;
    // Pass the parameter for opening the dimension by which the selection is performed to the cycle
    iterator.DimOpenParams := dimOpenParamValue;
    // Save metamodel
    (metaModel As IMetabaseObject).Save;
End Sub UserProc;

Example execution result: in the META_MODEL metamodel the cycle is created, and the value of the parameter, with which the dimension is opened, by which the selection is specified for cycle calculation, is set.

Fore.NET Example

Requirements and result of execution of Fore.NET example are the same as Fore example.

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dal;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms;

Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
    mb: IMetabase;
    msKey, cubeKey: uinteger;
    metaModel: IMsMetaModel;
    stubParamValue: IMsDimOpenStubParamValue;
    dimOpenParamValue: IMsDimOpenParamValue;
    openParams: IMetabaseObjectParamValues;
    dimInstance: IDimInstance;
    iteratorSelection: IDimSelection;
    iterator: IMsCalculationChainIterator;
    param: IMsModelParam;
    dDescr: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
    mb := Params.Metabase;
    // Get metamodel
    msKey := mb.ItemById["MS_PARAM"].Key;
    metaModel := mb.ItemByIdNamespace["META_MODEL", msKey].Edit() As IMsMetaModel;
    // Clear the calculation chain of the metamodel
    // Clear the values of parameters of dimensions used for calculation of the metamodel
    // Clear parameters of the metamodel
    // Create new parameter referring to the DICT_PARAM dictionary    param := metaModel.Params.Add();
    param.DataType := DbDataType.ddtInteger;
    param.LinkedObject := mb.ItemById["DICT_PARAM"];
    param.DefaultValue := Null;
    param.Hidden := True;
    { Create new value of the parameter to change the data source,
    used for calculating the metamodel}

    cubeKey := mb.ItemById["CUBE_PARAM"].Key;
    stubParamValue := metaModel.DimOpenStubParamValues.Add(cubeKey);
    stubParamValue.StubValues := mb.Item[cubeKey].Bind().ParamValues;
    // Add the value of the dimension parameter used to calculate the metamodel
    dDescr := mb.ItemById["DICT_PARAM"];
    dimOpenParamValue := stubParamValue.Values.add(dDescr.Bind() As IDimensionModel);
    // Set the value for the parameters of the DICT_PARAM dictionary
    dimOpenParamValue.Values.FindById("COUNTRY_PARAM").Value := 17724;
    // Set the value for the parameter of the data source
    stubParamValue.StubValues.FindById("COUNTRY").Value := 17724;
    // Get the selection of the dimension considering the value of the parameter
    openParams := dDescr.Bind().ParamValues;
    openParams.FindById("COUNTRY_PARAM").Value := 17724;
    dimInstance := dDescr.Open(openParams) As IDimInstance;
    iteratorSelection := dimInstance.CreateSelection();
    // Create metamodel cycle
    iterator := metaModel.CalculationChain.AddIterator("Cycle 'Dictionary with parameter'");
    // Set selection
    iterator.Selection := iteratorSelection;
    // Set the parameter
    iterator.Parameter := param;
    // Pass the parameter for opening the dimension by which the selection is performed to the cycle
    iterator.DimOpenParams := dimOpenParamValue;
    // Save metamodel
    (metaModel As IMetabaseObject).Save();
End Sub;

See also:
