MovingAverage: Array;
MovingAverage: System.Array;
The MovingAverage property determines moving average values.
MovingAverage is an array that contains 4 or 12 real numbers (depending on value of the IEmCensus2Settings.SeasonalComponentCycleType property). Each element of the array corresponds to the moving average value for the specified time period:
IEmCensus2Settings.SeasonalComponentCycleType = SeasonalityCycleType.Month. First element corresponds to January, second to February and so on.
IEmCensus2Settings.SeasonalComponentCycleType = SeasonalityCycleType.Quater. First element corresponds to the first quarter, second to the second quarter and so on.
The property use is given in the example for IEmCensus2Settings.Serie.
See also: