

The IForeNETRuntimeMethodArgs interface contains properties and methods used to work with collection of arguments, that are used during execution of different methods.


Properties of the given collection are used for the indication of values that are passed to the .NET method being executed. If the .NET method has the parameters passed by the link, the values of the given parameters after executing the method also can be received in the given collection.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of arguments in the collection.
Method The Method property returns the .NET method, that is bound with the given collection of arguments.
Value The Value property determines the value of specified argument.
ValueObject The ValueObject property determines the object, passed as value of specified argument.

Methods inherited from IForeNETRuntimeObject

  Method name Brief description
Finalize The Finalize method releases the resources, that are used by the object before its destruction.
GetType The GetType method returns the parameters of type, that is the parent for this object.

See also:

ForeNet Assembly Interfaces