SystemAssembly(Name: String): IForeNETRuntimeAssembly;
Name.System assembly, context of which must be received.
As value of the given parameter it is necessary to specify:
Name of platform assembly (AdoMd, Andy and so on).
Full name of assembly, registered in GAC (name, version, culture, token of public key and architecture of assembly should be specified: System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089, processorArchitecture=MSIL).
NOTE. Depending on assembly, certain parts in the full name may be not specified.
The path and the name of the file that contains the implementation of .NET assembly (Set in the following format: file:///<path and name of file>).
The SystemAssembly property returns the context of specified system .NET assembly.
When the context of .NET assembly is received, it becomes possible to use its resources. All types, described in assembly, and forms, that are created within assembly, are accessed through the assembly context.
Sub UserProc;
Run: IForeNETRuntime;
Asm: IForeNETRuntimeAssembly;
Typ: IForeNETRuntimeType;
TypInst: IForeNETRuntimeObjectInstance;
Run := ForeNETAssemblyClass.Runtime;
Asm := Run.SystemAssembly("System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a");
Typ := Asm.Type("System.Drawing.Font");
TypInst := Typ.CreateInstanceVar("Arial", 14);
End Sub UserProc;
On executing the example the context of the System.Drawing assembly is received. The System.Drawing.Font type, that is used to create of different fonts, is received from this assembly. The copy of object of the given type with the specified parameters of font is created. Further, this object can be used to determine the font of various .NET components, or in cases that require arguments with System.Drawing.Font type.
See also: