

The IForeNETModule interface contains methods used to work with the .NET unit development environment object.


In .NET assemblies of platform users can create separate .NET units containing program code, as well as .NET forms, that implement the visual part of a user application. At the core of any .NET form there is the .NET unit that contains the form code. Also, for any .NET form the child .NET unit is created. It contains the code of the form designer. This interface is used to work with any .NET units.


  Property name Brief description
Assembly The Assembly property returns parameters of parent .NET assembly, where the .NET unit is stored.
FormName The FormName property determines the name of .NET form that corresponds to the given .NET unit.


  Property name Brief description
LoadModuleContent The LoadModuleContent method loads and returns the contents of the .NET unit.
SaveModuleContent The SaveModuleContent method saves the contents of the .NET unit.

See also:

ForeNet Assembly Interfaces