
Fore Syntax

DrillRange(Range: ITabRange): IEaxDrillRangeResult;

Fore.NET Syntax

DrillRange(Range: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Tab.ITabRange): Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Express.IEaxDrillRangeResult;


Range. The range of cells for which information about data connection is required.


The DrillRange method gets information on connection of a range to data.


On specifying the data range, take into account sizes of the IEaxGrid.HeaderSize express report table header and side head.

 Fore Example

To execute the example, add links to the Chart, Express, Dimension and Tab system assemblies. Executing the example requires a form with the button named Button1 on it, the UiErAnalyzer component named UiErAanalyzer1, and the TabSheetBox component named TabSheetBox1, that displays data of the express report, connected to the UiErAnalyzer1.

Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
    Expr: IEaxAnalyzer;
    Grid: IEaxGrid;
    Range: ITabRange;
    DrillResult: IEaxDrillRangeResult;
    DimSelection: IDimSelectionSet;
    Expr := UiErAnalyzer1.Instance As IEaxAnalyzer;
    Grid := Expr.Grid;
    Range := TabSheetBox1.Source.GetTabSheet.View.Selection.Range;
    DrillResult := Expr.DrillRange(Range);
    //Selection of data sources
    DimSelection := DrillResult.Selection;
    Debug.WriteLine(Dimensions in selection: + DimSelection.Count.ToString);
End Sub Button1OnClick;

The information about connection of data to cells, selected in the TabSheetBox1 component, is obtained by clicking the button. The information about relevant data sources selection is available in the results. The number of dimensions in selection is shown in the development environment console.

 Fore.NET Example

To execute the example, add links to the Chart, Express, Dimension and Tab system assemblies. Executing the example requires a form with the button named Button1 on it, the UiErAnalyzerNet component named UiErAnalyzerNet1, and the TabSheetBoxNet component named TabSheetBoxNet1, that displays data of the express report, connected to the UiErAnalyzerNet1.

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Forms.Net;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Express;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Tab;
Sub button1_Click(sender: System.Object; e: System.EventArgs);
    Expr: IEaxAnalyzer;
    Grid: IEaxGrid;
    Range: ITabRange;
    DrillResult: IEaxDrillRangeResult;
    DimSelection: IDimSelectionSet;
    Expr := UiErAnalyzerNet1.AnalyzerUi.Instance As IEaxAnalyzer;
    Grid := Expr.Grid;
    Range := TabSheetBoxNet1.Source.GetTabSheet().View.Selection.Range;
    DrillResult := Expr.DrillRange(Range);
    //Selecting data sources
    DimSelection := DrillResult.Selection;
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(Dimensions in selection: + DimSelection.Count.ToString());
End Sub;

The information about cells data connection, selected in the TabSheetBox1 component, is received by clicking the button. The information about relevant data sources selection is available in the results. The number of dimensions is shown in the development environment when selected.

See also:

IEaxAnalyzer | IEaxGrid.HeaderSize