The ETLTaskRunId variable returns identifier of ETL task start that is written into log. It is further available to group operations related with a certain task start in the log.
To get global variable, specify the log, that is necessary for writing loading messages, in properties of the ETL task that uses event handler, otherwise the variable returns -1.
Consider the example of getting the ETLTaskRunId variable in the OnStartTask event of ETL task event handler.
Add links to the Collections, Etl, Ui system assemblies.
Class EventsClass: EtlTaskExecutionEvents
// Event that occurs on ETL task startup
Public Sub OnStartTask(Task: IEtlTask);
App: IApplication;
Glob: IApplicationGlobals;
v: Variant;
App := WinApplication.Instance As IApplication;
Glob := App.Globals;
v := Glob.Item("ETLTaskRunId");
WinApplication.InformationBox("The OnStartTask event" + #13 + #10 +
"Number of ETL task objects = " + Task.Count.ToString + #13 + #10 +
"Identifier of ETL task start - " + v);
End Sub OnStartTask;
// Event that occurs on ETL task end
Public Sub OnEndTask(Task: IEtlTask; Duration, TotalRec, ErrorRec: Integer);
WinApplication.InformationBox("The OnEndTask event" + #13 + #10 +
"Number of ETL task objects = " + Task.Count.ToString + #13 + #10 +
"Task execution progress = " + Duration.ToString + #13 + #10 +
"Number of records at input = " + TotalRec.ToString + #13 + #10 +
"Number of skipped records at output = " + ErrorRec.ToString);
End Sub OnEndTask;
// Event that occurs on ETL task block start
Public Sub OnStartBlock(Task: IEtlTask; Object: IEtlObject);
WinApplication.InformationBox("The OnStartBlock event" + #13 + #10 +
"Name of ETL task object - " + Task.Item(0).Name + #13 + #10 +
"ETL task object identifier - " + Object.Id);
End Sub OnStartBlock;
// Event that occurs on ETL task block end
Public Sub OnEndBlock(Task: IEtlTask; Object: IEtlObject; Duration: Integer; TotalRecIn, TotalRecOut, ErrorRec: IDictionary);
WinApplication.InformationBox("The OnEndBlock event" + #13 + #10 +
"Name of ETL task object - " + Task.Item(0).Name + #13 + #10 +
"ETL task object identifier - " + Object.Id + #13 + #10 +
"Task execution progress = " + Duration.ToString + #13 + #10 +
"Number of records at input = " + TotalRecIn.Count.ToString + #13 + #10 +
"Number of records at input = " + TotalRecOut.Count.ToString + #13 + #10 +
"Number of skipped records at output = " + ErrorRec.Count.ToString);
End Sub OnEndBlock;
// Event that occurs during ETL task execution
Public Sub OnProgress(Task: IEtlTask; Progress: Integer);
WinApplication.InformationBox("The OnProgress event" + #13 + #10 +
"Name of ETL task object - " + Task.Item(0).Name + #13 + #10 +
"Task execution progress = " + Progress.ToString);
End Sub OnProgress;
// Event that occurs on ETL task block error
Public Sub OnError(Task: IEtlTask; Object: IEtlObject; Excep: IException);
WinApplication.InformationBox("The OnError event" + #13 + #10 +
"Name of ETL task object - " + Task.Item(0).Name + #13 + #10 +
"ETL task object identifier - " + Object.Id + #13 + #10 +
"Error text - " + Excep.Message);
End Sub OnError;
End Class EventsClass;
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Etl;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ForeCollections;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ForeSystem;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ui;
Imports System.Windows.Forms;
Public Class EventsClass: EtlTaskExecutionEvents
// Event that occurs on ETL task start
Public Sub OnStartTask(Task: IEtlTask);
App: IApplication;
Glob: IApplicationGlobals;
v: object;
WinApplication: WinApplicationClassClass = New WinApplicationClassClass();
App := WinApplication.Instance[Null] As IApplication;
Glob := App.Globals;
v := Glob.Item["ETLTaskRunId"];
MessageBox.Show("The OnStartTask event" + "u000d\u000a" +
"Number of ETL task objects = " + Task.Count.ToString() + "u000d\u000a" +
"Identifier of ETL task start - " + v);
End Sub OnStartTask;
// Event that occurs on ETL task end
Public Sub OnEndTask(Task: IEtlTask; Duration, TotalRec, ErrorRec: Integer);
MessageBox.Show("The OnEndTask event" + "u000d\u000a" +
"Number of ETL task objects = " + Task.Count.ToString() + "u000d\u000a" +
"Task execution result = " + Duration.ToString() + "u000d\u000a" +
"Number of records at input = " + TotalRec.ToString() + "u000d\u000a" +
"Number of skipped records at output = " + ErrorRec.ToString());
End Sub OnEndTask;
// Event that occurs on ETL task block start
Public Sub OnStartBlock(Task: IEtlTask; Object: IEtlObject);
MessageBox.Show("The OnStartBlock event" + "u000d\u000a" +
"ETL task object name - " + Task.Item[0].Name + "u000d\u000a" +
"ETL task object identifier - " + Object.Id);
End Sub OnStartBlock;
// Event that occurs on finishing ETL task block
Public Sub OnEndBlock(Task: IEtlTask; Object: IEtlObject; Duration: integer; TotalRecIn, TotalRecOut, ErrorRec: IDictionary);
MessageBox.Show("The OnEndBlock event" + "u000d\u000a" +
"ETL task object name - " + Task.Item[0].Name + "u000d\u000a" +
"ETL task object identifier - " + Object.Id + "u000d\u000a" +
"Task execution result = " + Duration.ToString() + "u000d\u000a" +
"Number of records at input = " + TotalRecIn.Count.ToString() + "u000d\u000a" +
"Number of records at input = " + TotalRecOut.Count.ToString() + "u000d\u000a" +
"Number of skipped records at output = " + ErrorRec.Count.ToString());
End Sub OnEndBlock;
// Event that occurs during ETL task execution
Public Sub OnProgress(Task: IEtlTask; Progress: Integer);
MessageBox.Show("The OnProgress event" + "u000d\u000a" +
"ETL task object name - " + Task.Item[0].Name + "u000d\u000a" +
"Task execution progress = " + Progress.ToString());
End Sub OnProgress;
// Event that occurs on ETL task block error
Public Sub OnError(Task: IEtlTask; Object: IEtlObject; Excep: Exception);
MessageBox.Show("The OnError event" + "u000d\u000a" +
"ETL task object name - " + Task.Item[0].Name + "u000d\u000a" +
"ETL task object identifier - " + Object.Id + "u000d\u000a" +
"Error text - " + Excep.Message);
End Sub OnError;
End Class EventsClass;
See also: