

DriverVersion: String;


The DriverVersion property determines version of the driver used to work with the file.

As a value of the property the following values are available:


Executing the example requires that the repository contains an ETL task with the Etl identifier.

Sub Main;


MB: IMetabase;

MObj: IMetabaseObject;

EtlTask: IEtlTask;

EtlConsumer: IEtlPlainDataConsumer;

ExcelConsumer: IDtExcelConsumer;

WxConsumer: IWxRectangle;

WxETLConsumer: IWxETLObject;


MB := MetabaseClass.Active;

//ETL task search. Repository object with the ETL identifier

MObj := MB.ItemById("Etl").Edit;

EtlTask := MObj As IEtlTask;

//Start of the provider creation

//The Export To Excel object creation

EtlConsumer := EtlTask.Create(EtlObjectType.PlainDataExcelConsumer) As IEtlPlainDataConsumer;

EtlConsumer := EtlConsumer.Edit;

EtlConsumer.Id := "Excel_Consumer";

EtlConsumer.Name := quot;Export to Excelquot;;

EtlConsumer.Description := "Export to Excel";

//Set up data provider

ExcelConsumer := EtlConsumer.Consumer As IDtExcelConsumer;

ExcelConsumer.File := "c:\DataOut.xls";

ExcelConsumer.Table := quot;OutputDataquot;;

ExcelConsumer.DriverVersion := "Excel 8.0";

//Save provider


//End of provider creation

//Start of visual object creation

WxConsumer := EtlTask.Workspace.CreateRectangle;

WxETLConsumer := New WxETLObject.Create;

WxETLConsumer.ETLObject := EtlConsumer;

WxConsumer.Style.TextPosition := WxTextPosition.Bottom;

WxConsumer.Style.PictureMarginTop := -10;

WxConsumer.PinPosition := New GxPointF.Create(50, 50);

WxConsumer.Extension := WxETLConsumer As IWxShapeExtension;

//End of visual object creation

//Save Etl task


End Sub Main;

After executing the example the Export to Excel object is created in the ETL task. The consumer exports data into the DataOut.xls Excel file. If such file does not exist, it is created. The name of the sheet, to which export is executed is OutputData. The Excel 8.0 drivers are used for connection.

See also:
