Facts: IDimensionModel;
The Facts property determines a dictionary that is used as a list of cube factors.
Executing the example requires an automatic cube with the AUTO_CUBE identifier and two table dictionaries with the Dim_Pokaz and Dim_Ei identifiers.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
MObj: IMetabaseObject;
Cub: IAutoCube;
CuModel: ICubeModel;
DiModel: ICubeModelDimensions;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
MObj := Mb.ItemById("AUTO_CUBE").Edit;
Cub := MObj As IAutoCube;
CuModel := Cub As ICubeModel;
DiModel := CuModel.Destinations.DefaultDestination.Dimensions;
Cub.Dimensions.Add(Mb.ItemById("Dim_Ei").Bind As IDimensionModel);
Cub.Dimensions.Add(Mb.ItemById("Dim_Pokaz").Bind As IDimensionModel);
DiModel.Units := DiModel.FindById("Dim_Ei");
DiModel.Facts := DiModel.FindById("Dim_Pokaz");
End Sub Main;
After executing the example the Dim_Ei and Dim_Pokaz dictionaries are added to the cube with the AUTO_CUBE identifier. The first dictionary is used as a units dictionary, the second dictionary is used as a dictionary of cube dimensions list.
See also: