
Assembly: Cubes;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;


The ICubeCreatorDimensions interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the dimensions collection that are created in the cube.

Inheritance Hierarchy



The ICubeCreator.Dimensions or the ICubeCreatorFact.Dimensions property creates a dimensions collection.

If a collection is created by the ICubeCreator.Dimensions property, this collection is used to form the list of dimensions created in the cube structure on executing the CreateCube method. The list of dimensions must be generated for this collection, which are created in the cube structure when performingexecuting the CreateCube method. Dimensions can be based on the current dictionaries or created anew. Table MDM dictionaries are created for new dimensions on cube creation.

If the collection is obtained by means of the ICubeCreatorFact.Dimensions property, it is used to bind the dimension to the table fields where any fact is set up to store its data.


  Property name Brief description
The Count property returns the number of dimensions in the collection.
The Item property returns parameters of the specified dimension.


  Method name Brief description
The Add methods adds a dimension, based on the current repository dictionary, to the collection.
The AddNew method creates a new dimension in the collection.
The Clear method deletes all dimensions from the collection.
The Remove method removes dimension from the collection based on index.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces