
Assembly: Cubes;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;


The ICubeCacheSaver interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the storage of the cached data of the specified cube.


The use of caching in the cache storage is available in the repositories based on the following DBMS:

To get supported DBMS versions, see theSupported DBMS section.

Starting from Foresight Analytics Platform 9.0, a cached data warehouse is not used. Instead of it In-Memory based data caching is used.

To work with cached data warehouse, it is required to force the In-Memory caching off by setting the UseInMem parameter to false in registry or in the Settings.xml file.


  Property name Brief description
The CheckSelection property determines whether to check the selection, by which cache is saved.
The Database property determines the database, to which it is necessary to save the cache of the cube
The Global property determines whether common cache is used for the cube on working of several users.


  Method name Brief description
The Clear method clears cache of the specified cube display version.
The ClearAllGlobalCaches method removes cached data of all cubes from the global cache.
The ClearGlobalCache method removes cached data of the current cube from the global cache.
The FindAndLoadCache method finds and loads cache of the cube for the specified cube display version with the specified values of the parameters into the specified matrix and returns whether the corresponding cache is in the database.
The GetGlobalCache method returns the cube data matrix obtained from cache according to passed cube cache parameters.
The GetGlobalWriteLock method returns the object that controls write lock of cached data for the specified cube parameters.
The SaveCache method saves cache for the specified cube display version by the specified parameters.
The SaveCache method saves cache for the specified cube display version by the specified parameters.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces