Day(Calendar: IDimInstance; El: Integer): Integer;
Day(Calendar: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions.IDimInstance; El: uinteger): uinteger;
Calendar. Data of the calendar dictionary, by which calculation is executed.
El. Index of the element, relative to which calculation is executed.
The Day method returns the index of the element that correlates to the start of a calendar period containing the specified element.
For correct calculation the calendar dictionary must contain the Days level.
For example, if the calendar dictionary contains Years, Quarters, Days levels and the calculation is executed for:
Element of the quarterly frequency, the Day method returns the element corresponding to the start of the quarter.
Element of the annual frequency, the Day method returns the element corresponding to the start of the year.
The example is the function that is used to calculate relations in a standard cube.
To execute an example, add links to the Cubes and Dimensions system assemblies.
Public Function Day(T: Variant): Integer;
Cube: ICubeInstance;
CubeDest: ICubeInstanceDestination;
DimInsts: ICubeInstanceDimensions;
DimInst: IDimInstance;
i: Integer;
Result: Integer;
// Get the current cube
Cube := CubeClass.CurrentCube;
CubeDest := Cube.Destinations.DefaultDestination;
// Get calendar dimension
DimInsts := CubeDest.Dimensions;
For i := 0 To DimInsts.Count - 1 Do
If (DimInsts.Item(i).Dimension Is ICalendarDimension) Then
DimInst := DimInsts.Item(i);
End If;
End For;
// Execute calculation
If CalendarDimension.Level(DimInst, t) = DimCalendarLevel.Month Then
Result := CalendarDimension.Day(DimInst, t);
Result := -1;
End If;
// Return result
Return Result;
End Function Day;
The result of using the relation in the formula of the calculated fact: the value for the element of the monthly frequency will be taken from the first day of the month.
The example is the function that is used to calculate the relation in a standard cube.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions;
Public Shared Function Day(T: object): Integer;
cClass: CubeClassClass;
Cube: ICubeInstance;
CubeDest: ICubeInstanceDestination;
DimInsts: ICubeInstanceDimensions;
DimInst: IDimInstance;
i: Integer;
calendDim: CalendarDimension;
el: uinteger;
Result: Integer;
// |Get the current cube
cClass := New CubeClassClass.Create();
Cube := cClass.CurrentCube[Null];
CubeDest := Cube.Destinations.DefaultDestination;
// Get calendar dimension
DimInsts := CubeDest.Dimensions;
For i := 0 To DimInsts.Count - 1 Do
If (DimInsts.Item[i].Dimension Is ICalendarDimension) Then
DimInst := DimInsts.Item[i];
End If;
End For;
// Execute calculation
calendDim := New CalendarDimension.Create();
el := uinteger.Parse(t.ToString());
If calendDim.Level(DimInst, el) = DimCalendarLevel.dclMonth Then
Result := calendDim.Day(DimInst, el) As integer;
Result := -1;
End If;
// Return result
Return Result;
End Function Day;
The result of using the relation in the formula of the calculated fact: the value for the element of the monthly frequency will be taken from the first day of the month.
See also: