LoadSelection(Value: IDimSelectionSet): IDimSelectionSet;
Value. Empty selection of source cube, in which selection, according to which loading in cube is executed, is loaded.
The LoadSelection method copies the selection, according to which the data is loaded to a cube.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a scheduled tasks container. The container has a task of executing the calculated cube configured for starting a cube loader.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
CubeIns: ICubeInstance;
Loader: ICubeLoader;
MObj: IMetabaseObject;
LoaderTask: ICalculateCubeScheduledTask;
DimSS: IDimSelectionSet;
DimS: IDimSelection;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
MObj := MB.ItemById("LoaderTask").Edit;
//Task of launching a cube loader
LoaderTask := MObj As ICalculateCubeScheduledTask;
Loader := (LoaderTask.SourceCube As ICubeLoader);
//Receiving empty selection by which data loading is to be performed
CubeIns := (Loader.Destination.Cube As IMetabaseObject).Open(Null) As ICubeInstance;
DimSS := CubeIns.Destinations.DefaultDestination.CreateDimSelectionSet;
//Copying of the selection already set for the task
DimSS := LoaderTask.LoadSelection(DimSS);
/Changing selection
For Each DimS In DimSS Do
DimS.SelectElement(0, True);
End For;
//Setting new selection
End Sub Main;
After executing the example the selection, by which loading is executed, is changed for the task of starting a cube loader.
See also: