InitApproximation: Array;
The InitApproximation property determines an array of initial approximations for controlling variable. If calculation cannot be completed because of array elements lack, values of the IVarConstraint.LowerBound property are used as values of missing elements. If value of the IVarConstraint.LowerBound property is not determined, initial approximation "0.01" is taken.
Add a link to the Cp system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
Optima: NonLinearOptimization;
Vars: INonLoVariables; //variables list
Vrbl: INonLoVariable; //variable
VarConstr: IVarConstraint; //variable constraint
VarConstrs: IVarConstraints; //list of variable constraints
RetroX1: Array[3] Of Double;
RetroX2: Array[3] Of Double;
RetroU: Array[3] Of Double;
RetroV: Array[3] Of Double;
Funstions: Array[2] Of String;
InitAp: Array[3] Of Double;
Res: INonLoResults;
TimeInterval: Integer;
s: String;
ci: ICultureInfo;
j, i: Integer;
val: Double;
Optima := New NonLinearOptimization.Create;
// Values of variables
RetroX1[0] := 2;
RetroX1[1] := 2.1;
RetroX1[2] := 2.2;
RetroX2[0] := 1;
RetroX2[1] := 0.9;
RetroX2[2] := 0;
RetroU[0] := 1;
RetroU[1] := 1.5;
RetroU[2] := 0;
RetroV[0] := 0.5;
RetroV[1] := 0.75;
RetroV[2] := 0;
// Variables and constraints
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("x1");
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroX1;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrder := "x1[t];x1[t-1];x1[t-2];x1[t-3]";
VarConstrs := Vrbl.Constraints;
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -101;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 101;
VarConstr.Lag := 3;
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -102;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 102;
VarConstr.Lag := 2;
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -10030;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 10030;
VarConstr.Lag := 1;
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -13040;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 13040;
VarConstr.Lag := 0;
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("x2");
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroX2;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrder := "x2[t];x2[t-1];x2[t-2]";
VarConstrs := Vrbl.Constraints;
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -201;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 201;
VarConstr.Lag := 3;
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -202;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 202;
VarConstr.Lag := 2;
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -203;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 203;
VarConstr.Lag := 1;
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := -12040;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 12040;
VarConstr.Lag := 0;
//Controlling variable
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("u");
Vrbl.Name := "Controlling variable 1";
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroU;
Vrbl.ControlVariable := True;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrder := "u[t];u[t-1]";
For i := 0 To 2 Do
InitAp[i] := 0.1 * i;
End For;
Vrbl.InitApproximation := InitAp;
VarConstrs := Vrbl.Constraints;
For i := 0 To 3 Do
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := 0;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 1;
VarConstr.Lag := i;
End For;
//Controlling variable
Vars := Optima.Variables;
Vrbl := Vars.Add("v");
Vrbl.Name := "Controlling variable 2";
Vrbl.Retrospective := RetroV;
Vrbl.ControlVariable := True;
Vrbl.CoefficientsOrder := "v[t];v[t-1]";
For i := 0 To 2 Do
InitAp[i] := 8.8 * i;
End For;
Vrbl.InitApproximation := InitAp;
VarConstrs := Vrbl.Constraints;
For i := 0 To 3 Do
VarConstr := VarConstrs.Add;
VarConstr.LowerBound := 0.8;
VarConstr.UpperBound := 4;
VarConstr.Lag := i;
End For;
Funstions := New string[2];
Funstions[0] := "0.3 * x1[t-1] + 0.1 * x2[t-2] + u[t-1] * x1[t-1] *x2[t-1]";
Funstions[1] := "-0.2 * x1[t-1] + 0.4 *x2[t-1] + (x1[t-1] * x2[t-2])/v[t-1]";
Optima.Equations := Funstions;
Optima.CriterionFunction := "x1[t] * x1[t] - x1[t] * x2[t]";
TimeInterval := 4;
Optima.NodesCount := 2;
Optima.MaxIterationsCount := 5000;
Optima.MethodType := CpNonLinearMethodType.SequentialQP;
Optima.Tolerance := 0.1;
Optima.Extremum := ExtremumType.Maximum;
Res := Optima.Evaluate(TimeInterval) As INonLoResults;
s := "Optimal value: " + Res.OptimalValue.ToString;
s := " ";
For j := 1 To Vars.Count Do
Vrbl := Vars.Item(j - 1);
s := s + Vrbl.Id + " ";
End For;
ci := CultureInfo.Current;
For i := 1 To TimeInterval Do
s := "t=" + i.ToString + ", ";
For j := 1 To Vars.Count Do
Vrbl := Vars.Item(j - 1);
Val := Res.VarValues(Vrbl.Id)[i - 1];
s := s + ci.FormatDoublePrec(Val, 6) + ", ";
End For;
End For;
s := "Status : " + Res.Status.ToString;
s := "Error : " + Res.ErrorMsg;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the calculation results are displayed in the console window:
Optimal value:- 5222824.6794125168
x1 x2 u v
t=1, 2,690000, 3,600000, 1,000000, 0,800000,
t=2, 10,591000, 4,264500, 1,000000, 0,800000,
t=3, 48,702620, 47,247100, 1,000000, 4,000000,
t=4, 2 316,094770, 61,081568, 0,000000, 0,800000,
Status : 21
Error: The solution is found, but the iteration sequence did not converge with the required accuracy
See also: