Wizard Constructor


PP.Ui.Wizard (settings);


settings. JSON object that contains class instance properties.


The Wizard constructor creates an instance of the Wizard class.


To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the ImportDataWizard component named importDataWizard (see Example of Creating the ImportDataWizard Component). Create an instance of the Wizard class with the ImportDataWizardmaster steps:

var wizard = new PP.Ui.Wizard(//create an instance of the PP.Ui.Wizard class
    Steps: importDataWizard.getSteps() //add the importDataWizard master steps
var but1 = new PP.Ui.Button(//button to show the master
    Content: "Show master",
    ParentNode: document.getElementById("but1"),
    Click: function (sender, args)
wizard.CompleteButtonClicked.add(function (sender, args)//handler of the Ready button pressing
    if (wizard.getSteps()[4].getPendingState() == false) alert("Setting is completed at the last step")//if at the fifth (last) step setting is completed and the Ready button is available, on pressing the button the response is displayed. message

NOTE. ImportDataWizard must not be shown (remove the importDataWizard.show(); string).

After executing the example on clicking the Show Wizard button the created wizard that contains steps of the importDataWizard wizard is displayed. The Done button is available at the fifth (last) step of the wizard. Clicking the button displays the following message: Setup at the last step is completed.

See also:
