

PP.Ui.getComboCaption(text1: String, text2: String, width: Number, isRtl: Boolean, count: Number, node: HTMlElement, args: Object);


text1. First checked string.

text2. Second checked string.

width. Checked width.

isRtl. Writing order. Argument is not used, it is required to not change method signature.

count. Number in brackets at the end of received string.

node. DOM node where the text will be pasted.

args. Arguments.


The getComboCaption method returns the string received as a result of two cropped and merged strings on putting them in the item with selected width.


To execute the example, it is required to have link to PP.js script file. The following code is to be executed from the browser console. Get the string from the First string and the Second string which is to be placed in the item with the 100 width:

console.log(PP.Ui.getComboCaption("First string", "Second string", 100, false, 1));

As a result, new string is displayed in the console:

Firs... Secon...

See also: