



url. URL of the current page. The parameter is set by default.


The appendGPlusLink method places a link to plusone.js in a page.


To execute the example, the page must contain the DiscussMenu component named shareMenu (see Example of Creating the DiscussMenu Component). In the BODY tag add a DIV element with the identifier Div1. Add the Google+1 button to DOM node with the ID Div1:

    shareMenu.appendGPlusLink();//place a link to the plusone.js
    shareMenu.appendPluseoneContent(document.getElementById("Div1"));//place a button in the specified DOM node
    var but3 = new PP.Ui.Button(//Button to change parameters of the Google+1 button
        Content: "Change the button",
        ParentNode: document.getElementById("btn3"),
        Click: function ()
                container: document.getElementById("Div1"),
                pluseone: {
                    size: "medium",
                    annotation: "inline",
                    width: "300"

After executing the example the Google+1 and the Change Button buttons are placed in the page. The Google+1 button with initial settings:

Clicking the Change Button resizes the button and changes label appearance:

NOTE. Available button parameters are described on developers.google.com.

See also:
