addTarget (target)
target. JSON object that contains autocomplete parameters for specified control. The following parameters are defined:
Control. Control to be added to the autocomplete system. An instance of PP.Ui.Control.
Active. Determines if a list of suggestions is displayed: true – the list is displayed, false – is not. By default the property is set to false. AlwaysShow parameter must be set to true;
MatchCase. Determines if the text is case-sensitive: true - case-sensitive, false – the case is ignored. By default the parameter is set to false.
Suggestions. Determines an array of autocomplete suggestions for a specified control.
AlwaysShow. Determines if a list of suggestions is displayed: true – the list is displayed, false – is not. By default the property is set to false. Active parameter must be set to true.
The addTarget method adds a control to autocomplete system.
To execute the example, the page must contain Autocomplete component named autocomplete (seep; Autocomplete constructor). In the BODY tag add a DIV item with the example2 identifier. Add the TextBox component to autocomplete system:
autocomplete.addTarget({ //input box Control: number = new PP.Ui.TextBox({ ParentNode: document.getElementById("example2"), Width: 100, Id: "tb" }), AlwaysShow: true, MinAutoFindSymbolsCount: 2, Active: true, //not case sensitive MatchCase: false, //suggestions for autocomplete Suggestions: [ { Text: "Austria" }, { Text: "Australia" }, { Text: "Andorra" } ] } )
After executing the example TextBox component is added to the page, autocomplete option is enabled for this component.
See also: