The getSelectedRanges method gets array of cell ranges selected in the table.
This method returns an array of PP.Ui.TabSheetRange objects.
To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the TabSheet component named tabSheet (see Example of Creating the TabSheet Component). Select the cell A0 and the range B1-C2 in the table, then find the number of cells in each selected range:
// Get selection object var objSelection = tabSheet.getSelection(); // Select two cell ranges, 2, 2, 1), False, tabSheet.coord(1, 2));, 0, 0, 0), True, tabSheet.coord(0, 0)); // Get selected table areas var selectedRanges = objSelection.getSelectedRanges(); for (var i in selectedRanges) { var range = selectedRanges[i]; // Get the number of cells in this area var count = range.getCoordsCount(); console.log("Number of cells in the selected area: " + count) };
After executing the example both the cell A0 and the range B1-C2 are selected in the table:
The browser console shows the number of cells in all selected table ranges:
Number of cells in the selected range: 4
Number of cells in the selected range: 1