settings. JSON object that contains values of class properties.
The updateData method sets table dimension properties.
Table dimension properties available to be set:
@MUR - MaxRow.
@MUC - MaxCloumn.
@DAR - DisplayAccessRights.
@DDFB - DisplayDarkFixedBorder - Indicates if fixation line is visible (Boolean).
@DFAL - DisplayFixedAreaLines.
@FALC - FixedAreaLineColor.
@FR - FixedRow - Number of fixed rows.
@FB - FixedBehaviour.
@FC - FixedColumn - Number of fixed columns.
@DG - VisibleGrid.
@DCN - VisibleColHeaders.
@DRN - VisibleRowHeaders.
@H - Row height. It can be set for Row/DefaultRow.
@W - Column width. It can be set for Column/DefaultColumn.
@V - Row/column visibility. It can be set for Row/Column/DefaultRow/DefaultColumn.
@I - Index of row/column to set properties of a separate row/column.
To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the TabSheet component named tabSheet (see Example of Creating the TabSheet Component). Add option of setting a maximum number of column to the onRender event handler:
tabSheet.getMeasures().updateData({ Structure: { "@MUC": 2 } // maximum number of columns }); tabSheet.rerender();
After executing the example the table is displayed only with three columns.
See also: