

calcRowsHeightByPosition(startRowPos: Number, endRowPos: Number, action: function, context: Object, isVirtual: Boolean, reverseCalc: Boolean);


startRowIndex. Index of the row corresponding to range start.

endRowIndex. Index of the row corresponding to range end.

action. Function executed at each iteration of rows' total height calculation. This is an optional parameter, by default it is set to Null.

context. Context from which the method is called. This is an optional parameter, by default it equals to the current context of this.

isVirtual. Parameter indicating if virtual or real coordinates are used. If the parameter is set to True, virtual coordinates are used, otherwise real coordinates are used. This is an optional parameter, by default it is set to False.

reverseCalc. Characteristic indicating direction of iteration through rows. If the parameter is set to True, method iterates starting from the range end to its start, if the parameter is set to False, iteration moves from start to the end of range. This is an optional parameter, by default it is set to False.


The calcRowsHeightByPosition method calculates value of total height for rows within specified range.


This method returns a Number type value.


The example of use is given on the page of the TabSheetMeasures.calcColumnsWidth method.

