PP.TS.Ui.HistoryWindow (settings);
settings. JSON object that contains values of component properties.
The HistoryWindow constructor creates an instance of the HistoryWindow class.
To execute the example, in the HEAD tag of the HTML page specify links to the following JS files:
The workbook with the 5183 key should also be available.
In the <body> tag as the value of the onLoad attribute specify name of the function executed after page body loading is finished:
<body> <div id='example'></div> </body>
In the SCRIPT tag add the following script:
<script type="text/javascript"> PP.setCurrentCulture(PP.Cultures.ru); //using: waiter, metabase, tsService, wbk, md, rubrs, rubKey, historyWindow; // Declare constants var KEY = 5183;//document key function Ready() { var waiter = new PP.Ui.Waiter(); // Create repository connection var metabase = new PP.Mb.Metabase( { Id: "PPRepository", UserCreds: { UserName: "user", Password: "password" }, StartRequest: function(){waiter.show();}, EndRequest: function(){waiter.hide();}, Error: function (sender, args){alert(args.ResponseText);} }); // Open repository connection metabase.open(); // Create a service for working with time series var tsService = new PP.TS.TSService({ Metabase: metabase }); tsService.openDocument(KEY, onFirstOpened); // Document open event handler function onFirstOpened(sender, args) { var wbk = args.Workbook; //workbook var md = wbk.getWbkMetadata(); var rubrs = md.rubrs.its.it; var rubKey = rubrs[0].k; //Create object of the PP.TS.Ui.HistoryWindow class var historyWindow = new PP.TS.Ui.HistoryWindow(); //Show dialog box with point changes history historyWindow.showDialog(); //Function called on completing getting time series database revisions var onGetRevisionsComplete = new PP.Delegate(function (sender, args) { var res = JSON.parse(args.ResponseText); var revs = res.GetRubMdResult.meta.revisions.its.it; var rubKey = args.Args.RubKey; //Fill revisions list historyWindow.getRevisionsListBox().setRevisions(revs); }, this, { RubKey: rubKey }); //Get rubricator revisions tsService.getRevisions(wbk, rubKey, onGetRevisionsComplete); } } </script>
After executing the example the HTML page contains a dialog box that shows point history and looks as follows:
See also: