

setAttrIncludeSelectedOnly (attrId, value);


attrId. Attribute identifier.

value. Values of the includeSelectedOnly property.


The setAttrIncludeSelectedOnly method set the includeSelectedOnly property for hierarchy attributes at all levels. This property controls that only selected attribute values are accounted for when creating the hierarchy.


To execute the example, create service for working with time series, get workbook instance from time series database and get an instance of metabase hierarchy named hie (see «MetaHierarchy.ChildEls»). An attribute with the ID DL must be available.  Add the following code in the document opening event handler:

console.log("Set the includeSelectedOnly property to all attribute levels by its identifier");
hie.setAttrIncludeSelectedOnly("DL", True);

After executing the example the includeSelectedOnly property is set to True for the attribute with the ID DL, and the browser console displays an appropriate message.

See also:
