

getExecuteResult (cubeImport, settings)


CubeImport. Model of object import to cube. instance of the PP.Mb.CubeImport class.

settings. Parameters. Object of the type {duplicates: {start , count}, nulls: {start, count}. If it is not set, the start and count variables will be set to 0 and 10 respectively.

callback. Callback function.

errorCallback. Callback function on error.


The getExecuteResult method returns result of data import try.


To execute the example, the page must contain ImportDataWizard component named importDataWizard and a service for working with data import named dataImportService (see Example of Creating the ImportDataWizard Component), it is required to select an import object and go to the last wizard page. Import object, for illustration purposes, must contain error data, on opening error window repeat data import result:

// Get settings of the second wizard page
cube = importDataWizard.getCubeImport();
// Repeat data import result

After executing the example, import errors are added again to the error window. Import finish event occurred again.

See also:
