LinkedDimOpened: function (sender, args)
sender. Event source.
args. Event information:
The LinkedDimOpened event occurs after getting parameter dimension.
It is relevant for parameters with the PP.Mb.Ui.DimensionCombo control (drop-down list of dictionary).
To execute the example, the source must contain an express report with the key 312 and the ID DIMCOMBO, that has the value editor type set to Dimension Box Editor. In the body of the onEaxReady function (see example for ParamView constructor) add the following code:
//create a control for express report parameter param = new PP.Mb.Ui.ParamView({ Metabase: metabase, Source: eaxAnalyzer.getParamById("DIMCOMBO"), LinkedDimOpened: function (sender, args) { "Dimension identifier: " + console.log(args.LinkedDim._Id) }, ViewReady: function (sender, args) { console.log ("ParamView is initialized: " + sender.getIsReady() + "\n Parameter name: " + sender.getCurrentParamState().n )}, ParentNode: document.body, Width: 200 });
After executing the example the dictionary drop-down list, that is used as a control for express report parameter, for example:
After getting the dimension, dimension ID is shown to the console. The following messages appear in the console after the component is initialized:
ParamView initialized: True
Parameter name: Calendar
See also: