



The getPropChangedObjects method returns changes of the Data Sources Parameters tab in the Parameters dialog box.


The method returns an object of the PP.Mb.Ui.PropertyChangedEventArgs class containing the following properties: PropertyName - property name as an element of the PP.Exp.Ui.ControlType enumeration, Metadata - metadata, TypeUpdateData - array of updated data types, Canceled - indicates if tab changes are cancelled.


Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ParametersDialog component named parametersDialog (see Example of Creating the ParametersDialog Component). Show changes of the Data Sources Parameters and Dimensions tabs in the Parameters dialog box as a JSON string:

// Get tabs of the Parameters dialog box
var items = parametersDialog._ViewItems;
for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {    var item = items[i];
    switch(item.getTypeName()) {
        case "PP.Exp.Ui.ParametersDataSource":
        console.log("Data Sources Parameters tab: ");
        case "ParametersDimensionsView":
        console.log("Dimensions tab: ");

After executing the example the browser console displays changes of the Parameter dialog box tabs as a JSON string:

The Data Sources Parameters tab:


"params":[{"id":"INTPARAM","k":1,"value":"","vis":False}]}, "_TypeUpdateData":["PropertyBar"],"_ModelUpdateData":"", "_Callback":null,"_Id":67,"_Canceled":False}] The Dimensions tab: [{"_PropertyName":"DimOrder","_Metadata":{"hiddenDims":{"it":[{"k":104},{"k":103}]}, "dims":{"its":{"it":[{"k":104,"position":"Top","vis":False},{"k":106,"position":"Left",


See also:
