

getLinesCollectionAtLevel(level: Number, visualType: PP.Ui.VisualType);


level. Line nesting level. Levels numbering starts with 0.

visualType. Line type. If this parameter is set to PP.Ui.VisualType.X, the method gets a collection of vertical lines, when this parameter is set to PP.Ui.VisualType.Y, the method gets a collection of horizontal lines.


The getLinesCollectionAtLevel method returns a collection of bubble chart coordinate grid lines by their nesting levels.


This method returns a PP.Ui.ChartGridLineCollection value.


To execute this example, the HTML page must contain an instance of the ChartGrid class named grid (see ChartGrid constructor). Determine color, type, width and number of intervals for vertical lines of the first level grid:

// Get collection of additional vertical gridlines (level 1)
var col = grid.getLinesCollectionAtLevel(1, PP.Ui.VisualType.X);
// Get line settings used in this collection
console.log("Lines color: " + col.getStroke().getColor());
console.log("Lines type: " + col.getLineType());
console.log("Lines width: " + col.getThickness());
console.log("Number of intervals: " + col.getIntervalsCount());

After the example execution the browser console shows color, type, width and number of intervals for vertical lines of the first level grid:

Lines color: #FFFFFF

Line type: dash

Lines width: 1

Number of intervals: 2

See also:
