AbsoluteIndexOf(Serie: IChartSerie): Integer;
AbsoluteIndexOf[Serie: IChartSerie]: Integer;
Serie. A series, the index of the relative group of which is must be obtained.
The AbsoluteIndexOf property returns the index of a relative group of chart series, which includes the specified series.
A relative group is formed by summation of series values. In this case the summary chart looks as follows:
Executing the example requires a form with the UiChart, ChartBox and Button components on the form with the UiChart1, ChartBox1 and Button1 identifiers respectively. The UiChart1 component must be a data source for the ChartBox1 component with the Mixed chart type. The hyperlinks mode must also be set for the chart.
Sub ChartBox1OnSerieClick(Sender: Object; Args: IChartSerieClickEventArgs);
Chart: IChart;
Chart := ChartBox1.Chart;
End Sub ChartBox1OnSerieClick;
After executing the example on clicking the specific chart series the index of a relative group of series, to which it belongs, is displayed in the console.
Executing the example requires a form with the UiChartNet, ChartBoxNet and Button components on the form with the UiCharNett1, ChartBoxNet1 and Button1 identifiers respectively. The UiChartNet1 component must be a data source for the ChartBoxNet1 component with the Mixed scale type. The hyperlinks mode must also be set for the chart.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Chart;
Private Sub chartBoxNet1_OnSerieClick(Sender: System.Object; Args: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Chart.ChartSerieClickEventArgs);
Chart: IChart;
Chart := ChartBoxNet1.CtrlBox.Chart;
End Sub;
After executing the example on clicking the specific series of the chart the index of a relative group of series, to which it belongs is displayed in the console.
See also: