

The IChartExternLegendItems interface contains properties and methods of the collection of external chart legend elements.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of elements of external chart legend in the collection.
Item The Item property returns the external legend element, which index is passed as the Index input parameter.


  Method name Brief description
ResetOrder The ResetOrder property enables the user to specify default order of legend elements.
Split The Split method enables the user to split the element of external chart legend, which index is passed as the Index input parameter.
SplitAll The SplitAll method enables the user to split all merged elements of external chart legend.
Swap The Swap method enables the user to swap specified elements of external legend.
Unify The Unify method enables the user to merge external legend elements, which indexes are passed as the Indexes input parameter.

See also:

Chart Assembly Interfaces