SecondaryRadius: Double;
The SecondaryRadius property determines a secondary chart size. The values of this property must be within the range [0.05; 2.0].
If the secondary chart is a pie chart, the SecondaryRadius property determines the radius of the secondary chart relative to the radius of the primary chart.
If the secondary chart is a histogram, the SecondaryRadius property determines the height of the secondary chart relative to the diameter of the primary chart.
Executing the example requires a regular report sheet with a chart on it.
Sub My;
C: IChart;
CircleEx: IChartCircleExInfo;
C := (PrxReport.ActiveReport.ActiveSheet.Table.Objects.Item(0).Extension As IChart);
C.Type := ChartType.SecondaryBars;
CircleEx := C.CircleInfoEx;
CircleEx.SecondaryRadius := 1;
End Sub My;
After executing the example the height of the secondary chart equals diameter of the primary chart:
See also: