

The ChartSerieGroupRule enumeration contains rules of grouping series for secondary charts.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Position. Groups the specified number of series starting from the end of the IChartSeries series collection. To set the number of series, use the ICircleInfoEx.GroupingValue property.
1 Value. Groups all the series, which value is less than the specified one. To set the value, use the ICircleInfoEx.GroupingValue property.
2 Part. Groups all the series, part of which in the sum of values is less than the specified one. To set the share value, use the ICircleInfoEx.GroupingValue property.
3 Custom. All the series specified using the ICircleInfoEx.CustomSerieGroup property are grouped.
4 TotalPart. Groups all the series, the total share of which is not greater than the specified one. The series are summed starting with the lesser values in the ascending order. To set the share value, use the ICircleInfoEx.GroupingValue property.
5 SmallestValues. Groups series with the least values, except for the number of series in the primary chart specified in the ICircleInfoEx.CustomSerieGroup property.

See also:

Chart Assembly Enumerations