

The ChartMarkerType enumeration contains types of markers.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Rectangle. Square.
1 Rhombus. Diamond.
2 TriangleUp. Upward triangle.
3 TriangleDown. Downward triangle.
4 Circle. Circle.
5 Dot. Dot.
6 Dash. Dash.
7 Plus. A square with a cross inside.
8 X. A square with a cross inside (in the form of an x).
9 Asterisk. Asterisk.
10 Heart. Hearts (card suit).
11 Spade. Spades (card suit).
12 Club. Clubs (card suit).
13 Diamond. Diamonds (card suit).
14 Symbol. A symbol to be predefined.
See also: IChartMarker.Symbol.
15 Custom. Custom.

See also:

Chart Assembly Enumerations