

The ChartBackgroundType enumeration contains types of fill for chart components (chart area, legend, data series, and so on).

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. No background.
1 Color. Solid color. When this type is selected, determine a basic color: IChartBackgroundInfo.Color.
2 Gradient. Gradient fill. When this type is selected, specify a start color (IChartBackgroundInfo.Color) and end color of the gradient (IChartBackgroundInfo.GradientColor), as well as gradient angle (IChartBackgroundInfo.GradientAngle).
3 Picture. Image. When this type is selected, specify an image (IChartBackgroundInfo.Image) and image position (IChartBackgroundInfo.ImageDrawStyle).
4 Hatch. Hatching. When this type is selected, specify fill color (IChartBackgroundInfo.Color) and hatching parameters (IChartBackgroundInfo.HatchStyle).
5 Glamour. Glamour. When this type is selected, specify only a basic color: IChartBackgroundInfo.Color. This type of fill can be applied only to a data series (a column or a row).
6 Alternate. With alternating colors along the Y axis. When this type is selected, set the first color nearest to the X axis (IChartBackgroundInfo.Color) and the second color farthest from the X axis (IChartBackgroundInfo.GradientColor).
7 Custom. Reserved / Reserved.
8 Automatic. Automatic fill.
10 AutoGradient. Automatic gradient fill. Heterogeneous fill with basic color.


Fill is available for the following series types:

Color and Hatch fill types are only available for points and dashes.

See also:

Chart Assembly Enumerations