

The UiChartClass class implements static methods that are used to call standard chart setup dialog boxes:

Static class methods inherited from IUiChartClass

  Method name Brief description
ShowAxisFormatDialog The ShowAxisFormatDialog method opens the Axis Format dialog box for the specified chart axis.
ShowCorridorsDialog The ShowCorridorsDialog method opens the Chart Corridors dialog box for the specified chart.
ShowFormatConstructDialog The ShowFormatConstructDialog method opens the Plot Area Format dialog box.
ShowFormatRegionDialog The ShowFormatRegionDialog method opens the Chart Area Format dialog box for the specified chart.
ShowLegendFormatDialog The ShowLegendFormatDialog method opens the Legend Format dialog box.
ShowParametersDialog The ShowParametersDialog method opens the Chart Parameters dialog box for the specified chart.
ShowSerieFormatDialog The ShowSerieFormatDialog method opens the Data Series Format dialog box for the specified chart series.
ShowTypeDialog The ShowTypeDialog method opens the Chart Type dialog box.

See also:

Chart Assembly Classes