

The ChartExternLegend class implements properties and methods that are used to determine parameters of chart external legend.

Class object properties inherited from IChartExternLegend

  Property name Brief description
AxisIcon The AxisIcon property determines whether an icon indicating which axis (primary or secondary) the series is located on is displayed in the legend.
BackgroundInfo The BackgroundInfo property determines properties of external chart legend fill.
BorderPen The BorderPen property determines parameters of external legend borders.
Chart The Chart property returns the object of the IChart type, to which the legend element belongs.
ChartCount The ChartCount property returns the number of charts used for creating an external chart legend.
Font The Font property determines text font for external chart legend.
FontColor The FontColor property determines color of the font for text of external chart legend.
InternalItems The InternalItems property returns the collection of displayed elements of external legend.
IsDirty The IsDirty property determines whether external chart legend contains pending changes.
ItemPlacement The ItemPlacement property determines how external legend elements are placed.
ItemSeparator The ItemSeparator property enables the user to set text separator for merged elements of external legend.
SymbolSize The SymbolSize property determines a size of an icon for displaying series color in external chart legend.
UndoRedo The UndoRedo property determines parameters of the undo/redo stack of chart external legend.
UseSerieIcon The UseSerieIcon property enables the user to display a colored square instead of series icons.

Class object methods inherited from IChartExternLegend

  Method name Brief description
AddChart The AddChart method adds a chart passed by the Value parameter to the list of charts connected to the external legend.
Clear The Clear method removes all charts from the list of charts connected to external legend.
RemoveChart The RemoveChart method removes the chart passed by the Value parameter from the list of charts connected to external legend.

See also:

Chart Assembly Classes