

The WxDashStyle enumeration is used to determine line styles.

The enumeration is used by the property:

Available Values

Value Brief description Example
-1 Undefined. Undefined.  
0 Solid. Solid.
1 Dash. Dash.
2 Dot. Dotted line.
3 DashDot. Dash and dot line.
4 DashDotDot. Dash and dot line.
5 DashCustom. Custom style.  
10 None. Do not draw.  
11 Dash7Gap3. Wide dash.
12 Dash12Gap3.
13 Dash24Gap4.  
14 Dash7Gap3Dot2.
15 Dash12Gap3Dot2.
16 Dash24Gap4Dot2.

See also:

Andy Assembly Enumerations