
Fore Syntax

DurbinWatsonProbabilities(DW: Double; N: Integer; K: Integer; Var pL: Double; Var pU: Double);

Fore.NET Syntax

DurbinWatsonProbabilities(DW: double; N: integer; K: integer; var pL: double; var pU: double);


DW. Durbin-Watson statistic.

N. Number of observations.

K. Number of model variables including constant.

pL. Probability value of the lower limit of the Durbin-Watson statistics range.

pU. Probability value of the upper limit of the Durbin-Watson statistics range.


The DurbinWatsonProbabilities method calculates probability values of Durbin-Watson statistics range bounds.


After executing the method the pL and pU parameters take probability values of the lower and upper limits of the Durbin-Watson statistics range.

If the statistic DW > 2, probabilities are calculated for the value DW' = 4 - DW, and there is negative residuals autocorrelation.

If N ≤ 60, probabilities are calculated by the Pan’s algorithm, if N > 60, they are calculated by normal approximation.

Interpretation of results:

Let α is a set significance level (1, 2.5 or 5%):

Fore Example

Add a link to the Stat system assembly.

Sub UserProc;
    Stat: Statistics;
    N, K, alpha: Integer;
    DW, pU, pL: Double;
    Stat := New Statistics.Create;
    // Set number of observations
    N := 20;
    // Set number of model variables
    K := 5;
    // Set Durbin-Watson statistics value
    DW := 1.6;
    // Calculate probability values of the lower and upper bounds of the Durbin-Watson statistics range
    Stat.DurbinWatsonProbabilities(DW, N, K, pL, pU);
    // Output lower and upper range bounds
    Debug.WriteLine("Probability of the lower range bound: " + pL.ToString);
    Debug.WriteLine("Probability of the upper range bound: " + pU.ToString);
    //Check hypothesis on the significance level 5%
    alpha := 5;
    Debug.WriteLine("Check hypothesis:");
    If( pL <= alpha/100 )Then
        Debug.WriteLine("Zero hypothesis is rejected, autocorrelation coefficient p <> 0, there is residuals autocorrelation");
    End If;
    If(( pL > alpha/100 )And( pU <= alpha/100 ))Then
        Debug.WriteLine(" Uncertainty ");
    End If;
    If( pU > alpha/100 )Then
        Debug.WriteLine("Zero hypothesis is accepted, autocorrelation coefficient p = 0, there is not residuals autocorrelation");
    End If;
End Sub UserProc;

After executing the example the console window displays probability values of the lower and upper bounds of the Durbin-Watson statistics range, the hypothesis about residuals autocorrelation is checked.

Fore.NET Example

The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example.

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Stat;

Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
    Stat: Statistics;
    N, K, alpha: Integer;
    DW, pU, pL: Double;
    Stat := New Statistics.Create();
    // Set number of observations
    N := 20;
    // Set number of model variables
    K := 5;
    // Set Durbin-Watson statistics value
    DW := 1.6;
    // Calculate probability values of the lower and upper bounds of the Durbin-Watson statistics range
    Stat.DurbinWatsonProbabilities(DW, N, K, Var pL, Var pU);
    // Output lower and upper range bounds
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Probability of the lower range bound: " + pL);
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Probability of the upper range bound: " + pU);
    //Check hypothesis on the significance level 5%
    alpha := 5;
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Check hypothesis:");
    If (pL <= alpha / 100Then
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Zero hypothesis is rejected, " +
            "autocorrelation coefficient p <> 0, there is residual autocorrelation" );
    End If;
    If ((pL > alpha / 100And (pU <= alpha / 100)) Then
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Uncertainty ");
    End If;
    If (pU > alpha / 100Then
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Zero hypothesis is accepted, " +
            "correlation coefficient p = 0, no residual autocorrelation" );
    End If;
End Sub;

See also:

IStatistics | Durbin-Watson Test