
Assembly: Visualizators;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Visualizators;


The IVZDataScale interface is used to work with visualizer scale.

Inheritance Hierarchy



The visualizer scale may look as follows:

Parameters of visualizer scale can be obtained in the IVZColorLegendBase.Scale and IVZDataSourceMapping.Scale properties.


  Property name Brief description
The AutoCalculable property determines whether scale steps are calculated automatically.
The EnableEquality property determines whether strict equality is used in visualizer scale elements.
The First property determines settings of the first element of visualizer scale.
The Greater property returns visualizer scale element with the value that is greater than value of the element with selected index.
The ID property returns identifier of visualizer scale.
The InactiveItem property determines settings for inactive visualizer element.
The IntervalsCount property determines the number of intervals of visualizer scale.
The IsInactiveItem property determines whether the specified visualizer scale element is inactive.
The Item determines the brush or the number, corresponding to a visualizer scale element, depending on its type.
The ItemsCount property determines the number of visualizer scale elements.
The ItemValue property returns scale elements corresponding to the specified value.
The Last property determines settings of the last element of visualizer scale.
The Less property returns visualizer scale element with the value that is less, than value of the element with the selected index.
The LogarithmBase property determines logarithmic base for visualizer logarithmic scale.
The MaxValue property determines the maximum value of visualizer scale.
The MinValue property determines the minimum value of visualizer scale.
The Mode property determines calculation mode of visualizer scale.
The NoData property determines the brush or the number corresponding to the no data element of visualizer scale, depending on its type.
The RoundBias property determines the value, up to which values of scale interval borders mist be rounded.
The Type property determines visualizer scale type.
The Value property determines the value of selected element of visualizer scale.
The ValuesCount property determines the number of visualizer scale values.


  Method name Brief description
The AutoSetupScaleItems method recalculates visualizer scale.
The ConstructScaleItems method recalculates visualizer scale using the array of its values.
The GetValuesPair method returns the start and end values of visualizer scale interval.

See also:

Visualizators Assembly Interfaces